Issue No.2 of The OBH Society magazine - The Buckeneer.
The OBH Society – The Buckeneer 2021
The OBH Society was launched in 2013. The aim of ‘The OBH Society’ is to establish, grow and maintain an active network and community for Old Buckenham Hall pupils, parents and teachers – past, present and future. The idea has received tremendous support from school leavers, parents and the OBH board, with the idea that OBH should be a school for life not just for seven years.
The recently launched OBH Society webpages will provide news and events, content with school photos, team photos, alumni profiles with the aim of celebrating the history and legacy of our school. This is supported by social media (Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin) so please tag your friends and your year group on the 100+ years of school photos that we have recently posted to the OBH Society Facebook page (hyperlink). If you have any old photos of the school, team photos, plays, gang shows, please send them so we can post them in the growing library of content that we are compiling.
The primary goal of the OBH Society Committee in 2016 & 2017 is to re-connect with former pupils and parents, young and old, to create a strong and vibrant network for the future. The OBH Society Committee is actively seeking former pupils and parents from the 1920’s-to 2013 to help us reconnect with former pupils. Please email [email protected] if you would like to help.
If you would like to be kept up to date with news and events taking place at OBH or would like to get in touch to share your news since leaving OBH please email: [email protected] or fill out the fields below: