Our Policies & Inspection Reports

Our policies (click to download)


The following documents are available from the school office upon request:

  • Education and welfare provision for pupils with statements and pupils for whom English is an additional language
  • Policy to promote good behaviour and set out sanctions
  • Academic performance in previous school year and examination results
  • Staff, including temporary staff, and qualifications

Inspection reports (click to download)

Governor reports (click to download)

Bursary polices

  1. Accessibility Plan
  2. Conflict of Interest Policy
  3. OBH Governance
  4. Public Benefit Policy
  5. Security Policy

Health & Safety

  1. Fire Risk Assessment
  2. Fire Safety Policy
  3. First Aid
  4. Health & Safety Policy
  5. H&S Visits, Trips & Offsite Activities
  6. DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education
  7. Carbon Leaders Report
  8. Crisis Management

HR Related

  1. Acceptable Use of ICT, Mobile Phones and Social Networking Policy
  2. Adoption Leave Policy
  3. Data Protection Policy
  4. DBS Policy
  5. HR Policy
  6. Equal Opportunities Policy
  7. Flexible Working Policy
  8. Maternity Policy
  9. Paternity Leave Policy
  10. Sickness Absence Procedure
  12. Fertlity Treatment Leave
  13. Induction Policy
  14. Parental Leave
  15. Recruit Ex offenders
  16. Recruitment Policy
  17. Recruitment Procedure
  18. Smoke Free


  1. Anti-Bullying Policy
  2. Behaviour & Discipline
  3. Code of Conduct
  4. Medical Care policy
  5. Policy for Missing Children
  6. Policy for Taking, Storing & Using Images of Children
  7. Policy for uncollected children
  8. Registration Policy
  9. School Bereavement and Trauma Policy
  10. Smoking Alcohol  Substance Misuse_Policy
  11. Statement of Boarding Principals & Practice
  12. Use of force to Control or Restraint of Pupils
  13. Dealing with Allegations Against Staff
  14. Host Family Boarding Policy
  15. Independent Listener
  16. Supervision of pupils
  17. E-Safety Policy
  18. Rewards and Sanctions Policy


  1. Complaints Policy
  2. Equality & Diversity Policy
  3. Learning Support Policy
  4. Induction Policy
  5. Admissions Policy
  6. Policy for Adults living on site