Nursery & Pre-Prep

The Pre-Prep at Old Buckenham Hall is a very special place. It’s the first place you pass on your way up the school driveway and makes a striking impression, with the beautiful new playground and clad exterior. Our classrooms are spacious, innovative, energetic and welcoming. We are gradually introducing sustainable and eco-friendly furniture, resources, heating and lighting – our beautiful new Nursery was revealed in September 2018.

We pride ourselves in offering an excellent education; teaching phonics and maths every morning, supported by the very best educational resources and techniques on offer, such as Read Write Inc, Story scribing, Talk for Writing and Numicon. Alongside this, we have a strong timetable of topic based lessons, such as Geography, History, Science, RS and MBE – Mini Buckenham Explorers – our exciting outdoor learning scheme, which takes place within the expansive school grounds. Come rain or shine, the children are welly-booted up and bug hunting, den building or doing some natural art in the outdoor classroom. PSHCE is an important part of our curriculum and we take the mindset of our children and their learning very seriously. We are lucky enough to have specialist staff from the prep school to teach alongside the class teachers in certain subjects.

We also offer a plethora of extracurricular activities and include some stand-out events in our Pre-Prep school calendar. We have an annual Easter Afternoon Tea for the whole family; musical concerts; exciting school trips and visitors; Growth Mindset week; ‘We are Super’ day and, as well as the traditional Nativity at Christmas time, a Summer Show at the end of the year, which the children have a large role in creating.

At Old Buckenham Hall Pre-Prep we provide the ideal balance between academic learning and the wider curriculum, which we believe makes us extra special and the perfect place for your children to begin their school journey.



Nursery & Pre-Prep Uniform

Nursery Uniform Pre-Prep Uniform